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Heartfelt parenting
October is all about… Heartfelt parenting
Interview with KATRYN KRUGER
What do you wish you’d known before having kids?
“Good question! Babies don’t need a lot of stuff, they really just need the basics. And most importantly: All the love and attention you can give. I would also have liked to know that babies don’t sleep through the night … for a very, very long time! And that is okay. There is so much pressure on new parents and babies when it comes to sleep, where in reality it is something that eventually happens by itself – when the baby (or toddler) is ready.
I also want OTHER people to know: You cannot spoil a baby! Hold your little one, respond to their crying and if they only want to do contact naps then do just that. Give him/her all the love and devotion in the world, build a strong connection and attachment, because that will be the foundation for your relationship for the rest of your lives.”
Why did you choose Umatie for your little one?
“It was so convenient for us as working parents, especially since both my husband and I work unpredictable hours. It was a relief knowing there was always a yummy, nutrient-rich food option within reach. I also appreciated the fact that the Umatie food offered a wide variety of tastes and textures, and it made for great options to fill the gap between my own baby-food cooking.”
What are your top weaning tips?
Weaning, or starting solids, can be quite stressful. But I would say my top tip is: Acknowledge that anxiety, then move on without it. Take it day by day and make it fun for you and baby – after all, it’s a big milestone and introducing your little one to the world of food, tastes, and textures is a privilege. 🥄🍽️ And seeing them discover new things is so extremely cute!
On a practical note:
- Those feeding bibs with sleeves work wonders! It allows the baby to get really messy while the clean-up for the parents is easy.
- Have the baby use his/her hands! Feeling those textures and practising hand-eye coordination are all wonderful skills to develop.
- Be aware of your language when it comes to food (this is more related to older babies, toddlers and children). Our words and our own relationship with food really influence theirs, it even has an impact on their body image.
As a working mom, what keeps you sane? Any tips or hacks you swear by?
Ask for help! This is something I still struggle with, but it is the one thing that makes the biggest difference. When the going gets tough, I know I can reach out to my parents, parents-in-law, and even friends to help. Whether that is to look after our son for a while so that I can work or do household things, or to bring us dinner. That support is what pulls you through. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and yes, it does! But I believe it is equally (if not more) important for that village to hold and help the parents.
Other hacks that work for me:
- I meal prep or make sure to always have a few meals in the freezer for those evenings that just seem too chaotic or short to actually cook. Or when I run out of dinner ideas.
- Set boundaries when it comes to being on your phone. This allows you to be as present as possible with your child(ren) and helps to fill both their tank as well as your own.
- As a mom of a toddler: Pick your battles! If your kid does not want to wear socks and they are not going to freeze those chubby toes off, then leave the socks and the fight.
Umatie Love x