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Prepare for a playful mess!
It’s no secret that we believe mealtimes should be relaxed and fun so that littlies build a positive association with feeding time! Our top tip for keeping everyone (parents included!!!) calm and happy is to prepare for the mess!
- Put a bib on your cherub that covers cute outfits from top to toe. Our stocked range of Biddykins bibs does the trick!
- Have two face cloths and give one to your baby and encourage them to help clean themselves and the table and use the other to wipe that little face and those curious hands
- Chat your little one through each step of what you are doing and why you are doing it
- An old machine-washable sheet placed under the high chair speeds the cleaning up
- On glorious weather days, strip baby down to a nappy and let the messy fun take place in the form of a picnic and water play on an old sheet
We found that the more we embraced the idea that mealtimes are about exploring, learning and bonding, the easier it was to embrace the mess and to make a plan to quickly sort it out.
Check out our range of Biddykins bibs stocked on our site
Umatie Love x