Reasons to trust us!

We strive to always produce top-quality, baby and kiddie meals. Rest assured that we take our job very seriously and are proud to run an …

Pack’em & Stack’em

Did you know that we have 22 baby meals packed with nutrients and 20 kiddie meals stacked with wholesomeness? With meals aplenty, you can pack’em …

Pick a colour, pick a range

OK, we have to admit that we like things to be organised… even our freezers! Each of our different ranges has a main colour associated …

Prepare for a playful mess!

It’s no secret that we believe mealtimes should be relaxed and fun so that littlies build a positive association with feeding time! Our top tip …

Weaning Texture Tips

Weaning texture tips

Every baby is different. Some will not blink at texture and eat a steak at 8 months (no jokes!) and others will gag in disgust …